Particles Plus Education
Air Quality Instrumentation: Part III – Particle Mass (PM) Estimation
In the previous installments, I discussed ISO21501-4 (a standard used during particle counter calibration for the cleanroom industry) and how it served to bring a degree of rigor to air quality measurements in the cleanroom and manufacturing industry. In this...

Air Quality Instrumentation Part II: A Manufacturing Standard
In the previous installment I provided a brief history of air quality in the cleanroom space. Essentially briefly chronicling the rapid rise of instrumentation followed by a need for standards to control the manufacturing of these instruments so they could better suit...

Air Quality Instrumentation: A History
Air quality monitoring is relatively new in the commercial space and we’ve seen a number of issues and concerns that are remarkably similar to those we faced in the early days of air quality monitoring in the industrial space. This article provides a brief history of...