Count On Us™
Particles Plus offers a line of advanced-technology particle counters, air quality monitors, and environmental sensors. As the most vertically integrated particle counter manufacturer and technology licensing company in the industry, Particles Plus engineers and manufactures its own counter, display, battery, vacuum pump, and sensor technology from the ground up. Added intelligence in each module results in products with superior performance, extended features, accuracy, quality, reliability and value.

The most accurate sensor and particle counting technology on Earth

Made in USA
100% of Particles Plus® products are designed and assembled in the USA, while 89.2% of the parts are built by 35 different suppliers located in the USA and Canada.
Latest News
Project to Advance Music Culture Under Corona
Chino City, Japan – February 10, 2021 – the Association of Japanese Symphony Orchestra announced that the "Project to Advance Music Culture Under Corona" report was released at the end of 2020. The experiment was aimed at providing risk assessment information and...
Mitre Corp Uses the Particles Plus Model 8306 for COVID-19 Study
Colorado Springs, CO – January 10, 2021 – Government funded Research was conducted by MITRE Corp on school and transit buses provided by the City of Colorado Springs Transit and the Colorado Springs School District. The testing took place to understand the airflow...
Leading Edge Particle Sensor Launched
Stoughton, MA – December 10, 2020 – Particles Plus, Inc. announced today the launch of their new 9301P-OEM and 9301-OEM particle counting sensors. These products are the result of 30 months of research and development, pushing the limits on performance and...