Particles Plus IMS Main Screen

Instrument Management Software

Remote Operation, Data Collection, and Real-Time Graphing


Particles Plus® Instrument Management Software (IMS) software is provided free of charge and it includes remote operation, data collection, and real-time graphing while controlling Particles Plus particle counters.

The software is used to manage and monitor particle counting instruments, providing accurate and reliable data for cleanroom and indoor air quality applications.

The software interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, providing a full dashboard. The IMS offers users the ability to update the firmware, download air quality data, or ever calibrate the environmental sensors present in each instrument.

• Intuitive user interface
• Real-time measurements
• Log data
• Calibration of the environmental sensors
• Firmware update
• Remote diagnostics
• Plot graphs for Date/Number Range, Last Number, or All Records
• Communication over USB, RS-232, RS-485, or Wired/Wi-Fi TCP/IP
• Operating system MS WindowsTM PC (7, 8.1, 10, and 11)

IMS Main

Main Screen

The Instrument Management Software allows users to view past and real-time measurements. The software will display the status of the instrument. You can download the measurements from the instrument to your computer into a .CSV file for archive or further analysis.


IMS Options

Instrument & Data Managment

The software allows users to select the data that are relevant to their needs and directly export the data to MS Excel. Additionally, it offers the ability to update the instrument firmware with new features and calibrate environmental sensor such as temperature and relative humidity.


IMS Plot

Data Plotting

Users can select data fields and a data range for the selected instrument and retrieve that data and plot it for immediate analysis. This provides a quick and simple means of viewing instrument data.

IMS Compatible Particles Plus Instruments

particles plus 8306 handheld particle counter

Model 8306

0.3 – 25 µm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 8506 handheld particle counter 1

Model 8506

0.5 – 25 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 8303 handheld particle counter

Model 8303

0.3 – 25 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 8303 handheld particle counter

Model 8503

0.5 – 25 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 8306 handheld particle counter

Model 8300

0.3 – 25 µm @ 1.2 LPM

particles plus 8506 handheld particle counter 1

Model 8506-30

0.5 – 75 μm @ 0.1 CFM

8301 02 AQM post

Model 8301-AQM

0.3 – 25 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 7301 remote particle counter

Model 7301

0.3 – 25 µm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 7301 remote particle counter

Model 7501

0.5 – 25 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 7301 remote particle counter

Model 7300

0.3 – 25 μm @ 1.2 LPM

particles plus 7301 remote particle counter

Model 7501-30

0.5 – 75 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 7301 remote particle counter

Model 7301-AQM

0.3 – 25 µm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 5301P remote particle counter 1

Model 5301P

0.3 – 25 µm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 5301 remote particle counter

Model 5301

0.3 – 25 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 5301P remote particle counter 1

Model 5501P

0.5 – 25 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 5301 remote particle counter

Model 5501

0.5 – 25 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 5301P remote particle counter 1

Model 5300P

0.3 – 25 µm @ 1.2 LPM

particles plus 5301 remote particle counter

Model 5501-30

0.5 – 75 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 5301P remote particle counter 1

Model 5301-AQM

0.3 – 25 μm @ 0.1 CFM

particles plus 5301 remote particle counter

Model 5510

0.5 – 25 μm @ 1 CFM

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